In recent months, the spade of virus attacks had increased due to the Internet and the use of emails.

Do you know that you can get infected by viruses by deleting an infected email without even reading it?  You can also get infected by browsing an infected web site.  Even reading of emails via from Hotmail or Yahoo mail can get your system infected!

These viruses spread because Microsoft Internet Explorer and Outlook have bugs that allow viruses to write to your PC hard disk and altering your system files.
No anti-virus program can protect your system against new versions of such viruses.
Your only solution is to patch those bugs in Internet Explorer and Outlook.  We have the patches ready for you.

Suppose you have a big holes in your home (loopholes in IE and Outlook), do you employ security guards (anti-virus software) to guard those holes?  These guards have a photo-album of all the known criminals in this world (Anti-virus software uses signatures or patterns of known viruses).  They will allow anybody whose photo is not in the photo-album (new viruses or variants of existing viruses) to pass through the hole freely.  If it’s a known criminal (virus), the guards will be able to name it but is it necessary?

Isn’t it better to just patch those holes?  YES and we have the patches ready for you.

For a free self-test to determine whether your computer system is vulnerable to viruses.

Our operating hours are 9.00am - 6:00pm (Mon-Friday)

Consider that one infection will cost you dearly including months of lost data and many hours of lost time.
We do help customers remove viruses at $200 on-site for the first 2 hours or $90 at our office.

Contact: Hiwire Data & Security Pte Ltd Tel: 62930128, Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
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