Security Vulnerabilities Checker
for Microsoft Internet Explorer

The following tests the vulnerabilities of your system against the viruses, worms and hackers.

Please note that your system can get infected just by browsing a malicious web-site or an infected web-site. Viruses and worms have the abilities to infect web-sites, thus causing even 'trustworthy' websites, such as your organisation, government and schools' website, spread viruses and worms.

Note: You can get infected just by browsing their pages.

There are 4 tests here, try checking each of them at a time. These are quite old vulnerabilities and even if your system passes them, they may still be vulnerable to new threats.
If you have problems patching your system, we have a CD with all the relavant patches plus a few others not included in these tests. A tool is also included to reduce risks accidentallu launching viruses or worms when reading emails. That works by removing extensions which can be exploited by viruses and worms.

Infected web-sites can appear in any layout and even merge seemlessly with the original contents.
Test 1 Click here to win a free trip to anywhere in this world. Afghanistan not inculded.
Test 2 Click here to get a free lifetime partner. Food and lodging not inculded.
Test 3 Click here for a free cruise up to 365 days in a year. Casino chips not included.
Test 4 Click here for a lifetime of free food. Plates and spoons not included.