Is your system vulnerable to hackers and viruses?

This screen is for you to do a self-test to determine whether your system is vulnerable to viruses or hackers.
This test is valid only if Internet Explorer 5 is installed.
This vulnerability also exists for Outlook because Outlook used the same processing engine as Internet Explorer.

Did you see a prompt with a message "An ActiveX control on this page is not safe....." as shown in the picture below?

If you had been prompted as shown above, then your Internet Explorer loophole had been patched.

If you did not see the above prompt, then your system could be vulnerable to viruses and hackers.  To confirm that, simply click on "My Computer" the drive (C:) and look for the file FailTest.exe as shown in the illustrations below:

If you can locate the file "FailTest.exe"  (Note that the list of file names  may not be sorted.) then it confirms that your system is vulnerable.

You need WinProof to protect against such viruses.

for more details.

Once WinProof is applied, your system is protected against even future viruses which exploit this loophole to spread.  You don't even need regular updates - just apply once and you remove the loophole.

No commercial anti-virus program is able to protect your system against new viruses which exploit this vulnerability.

This Failtest.exe file was created by this web page via a loophole in Internet Explorer. You may delete Failtest.exe and it will be recreated each time you access this web page.  This file FailTest.exe is deliberately designed to fail when executed.  It could very well be designed to corrupt your system or spread viruses but we don't do that because our message is to educate users of the vulnerabilities.  We are a security company and we condemn virus writers who spread viruses.  If everyone applies the patch from WinProof, then viruses which exploit this loophole to spread will become extinct, hopefully.

Yahoo, HotMail and Outlook
If you use Internet Explorer to read emails such Yahoo mail or Hotmail, you can also get infected.  The same vulnerability exists in Microsoft Outlook because it uses the same engine to display email messages.  This loophole allows viruses to spread via Outlook without even using attachments and it is guaranteed to infect your system before you could even read or delete them.